Centre opening times
The Centre is open 9.30am – 2.30pm, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Please can you bring small notes if possible?
Film Club
UNACC film club returns on Wednesday 5 September a lovely buffet followed by the film “The Greatest Showman”. Please note this is a change of date.
Line Dancing
Dust off the cowboy boots and grab your partner by the hand Elsian has recovered from illness and line dancing will return on Friday 7th September 2018 Yee-ha!
Big Fun Run
Natalie, Lynda (back permitting) and Roberta will be running the Crystal Palace Big Fun Run again this year on Saturday 27th October, all funds raised will go towards subsidising the Christmas Party which will held on Friday 14 December 2018, we will get sponsorship forms out shortly, thanks for your support.
Table Tennis Competition
We’re holding a table tennis competition on Friday 21st September 2018, the winner will receive a beautiful hamper. The cost of entry is £1 per person a list will come around shortly.
Christmas is coming! That means hampers…
The nights are drawing in and Christmas is just around the corner, well not quite but in the office we’re organising what will be the best Christmas Party ever! If you have tins, bottles, smellies anything non-perishable that you can spare please bring to the office, many thanks.