Carer’s tea dance
This was a very successful and fun event with over 60 people in attendance, carers, potential new members, guests and volunteers. Thanks to everyone who helped out in any way. We had funding to put on this free event and we raised £150 for UNACC through the raffle, table top and card sales.
Donation from our partnership with Sainsbury’s Upper Norwood came to £549.
Dulwich Picture Gallery tea and tour
Tuesday July 22nd 2-3.30pm. This is free but you either need to get yourself there. Please let Elaine know asap if you are interested.
Free one hour concert by bass-baritone singer Franz Hepburn at 1pm on Friday 18th July. So please put it in your diary!
Tours for you are going to Torquay for 4 nights from 6th October- only shared rooms left. 2015 7th-14th June- Lake District
The 50 plus show
July 10th – 12th 9.30am – 4.30pm. Fancy a day out at Olympia Grand in London? Travel, health, finance, fashion shows, cookery demonstrations, gardening tips etc. Please pick up a complimentary ticket from the front desk.
Silver Rainbow Group lunch
Wednesday 16th July