

July 2014

Carer’s tea dance
This was a very successful and fun event with over 60 people in attendance, carers, potential new members, guests and volunteers. Thanks to everyone who helped out in any way. We had funding to put on this free event and we raised £150 for UNACC through the raffle, table top and card sales.

Donation from our partnership with Sainsbury’s Upper Norwood came to £549.

Dulwich Picture Gallery tea and tour
Tuesday July 22nd 2-3.30pm. This is free but you either need to get yourself there. Please let Elaine know asap if you are interested.

Free one hour concert by bass-baritone singer Franz Hepburn at 1pm on Friday 18th July. So please put it in your diary!

Tours for you are going to Torquay for 4 nights from 6th October- only shared rooms left. 2015 7th-14th June- Lake District 

The 50 plus show
July 10th – 12th 9.30am – 4.30pm. Fancy a day out at Olympia Grand in London? Travel, health, finance, fashion shows, cookery demonstrations, gardening tips etc. Please pick up a complimentary ticket from the front desk.

Silver Rainbow Group lunch
Wednesday 16th July


June 2014

Local Fundraising
Refreshments and table top sale at the sailing event raised £240. Thanks to all involved. Last week’s raffle raised £55 which will buy the wine for the dinner and dance. 

We are joining Age UK Croydon on combined trips. Dates now available on the front desk. Please book up asap with a cheque made out to Age UK Croydon. Most trips are £21.00. 

Talk on buying and eating local food
Tuesday 17th June 1.15 here at the centre. 

Are you a carer?
Carers week is 9th-13th June. We have a tea dance on Tuesday 10th June from 11.30-1.30 in the pavilion. Members are very welcome but please let us know if you are coming for catering purposes.

Free First Aid Training for volunteers
17th June 10-12 and 3rd July 10-12 at CVA Croydon. Please see Natalie or Elaine to book your place. 

Silver Rainbow Group lunch
Wednesday 18th June

Notes from the Lake

Notes from the Lake

Another year so I wonder what will happen around here perhaps a new goose or bird will arrive to cause excitement. It has happened before when a rare American bird was seen here. Photographers flocked to our lake and we had reports about it on television and in the papers.

lakeNow we have a female swan (pen) and a young swan (cygnet) still in brown feathers to watch. The usual ducks, coots, Moorhens and grebes are still here. Tufted ducks have arrived and also a large number of seagulls! A few Canada geese fly in daily.

A walk through the little wood is always interesting woodpeckers and nuthatchers are usually seen picking at the branches to reach the insects. There is a good variety of other birds such as robins, wrens, hedge sparrows, starlings, magpies, crows, chaffinches and warblers. Squirrels are also there jumping about from tree to tree. They are very tame and come near to be fed.

“Notes from Norwood Lake” is a personal view of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of UNACC or its Management Committee.